Explorer show all Device information Related to Hardware and Software, You can test mobile sensors.
It’s trying detect components of your smartphone to provide complete information about device’s hardware.
Now detection is supported for lcd, touchscreen, cameras, sensors, memory, flash, audio, nfc, charger, wi-fi and battery; if that possible for your device.

I think app is interesting and useful for users and developers who build kernels or android.
App has a quick navigation, fresh design, and also supports a dark theme.
You can switch by tab or use navigation panel. Many items are clickable and you can go to another tab or menu.
LCD – model and sometimes vendor. For some platforms detection require root.
Also you can check the colors in lcd test.
Touchscreen – model, you can check how much fingers are supported in multi-touch test.
Camera – model, vendor, resolution.
If can’t detect, sometimes available a list of supported cameras.
Hardware info by camera model and software by API.
For 5.1+ used camera2 api by default, if you grant camera permission, it will be use old api.
Detailed info about SoC in you device.
CPU : model, cores, clusters, family, abi, governor, frequency.
GPU : model, vendor, opengl, frequency, list of extensions.
Click on the clock speed to open CPU monitor.
System: complete info about your firmware build.
Memory: type lpddr and operating frequency.
Flash: chip and vendor emmc or ufs (scsi).
You can go to the memory tab and see usage of memory and storage.
Battery: base info and for some devices available extra info:
– Discharging speed is current consumption
– Charging speed is charge current minus current consumption
– Profile from kernel. It’s for reference and correct only for the factory battery
– Model
Thermal: temperatures by thermal sensors.
Sensors: availability of basic sensors and tests for them. Interacts with my app ‘Sensor Test’.
Drivers: you can find other chips used in your device.
Partitions: list of partition and their sizes.
PMIC: list of power regulator voltages which applied to the components.
Input devices: list of input devices.
Applications: you can quickly find apps and see info about it, also provided list of the system apps.
Extra options:
– Show i2c address of the chip.
– Open engineering menu for mtk and xiaomi.
– List of CPU codenames for Qualcomm, mtk, HiSilicon.
– Show kernel command line with root access.
Features : –
- Complete native Device Info App
- Operating System(OS) Info.
- Sensor List & Details
- Device Info: [Device Name ,Model ,Manufacturer ,Device etc
- Operating System(OS) Info: Version, Version Name, API Level Build ID, Build Time, Fingerprint etc
- All Mobile Sensor info
- Processor info: Processor, Bogo MIPS, Features, CPU Implementer, CPU Architecture, CPU variant etc.
- Device Info: Device Name, Model, Manufacturer, Device etc.
- Battery Info: Battery Type, Power Source, Battery Temperature, Battery Voltage, Battery Scale,Battery Health,AC Power etc.
- Network Info: Data Type, Network Type, IP Address,MAC Address, IP Address, SSID, Link Speed, WiFi, Unavailable, Connected etc
-Camera Info - Storage Info
- User Apps Info
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